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Things are changing ... and International Globe axis 

Things are changing ... and International Globe axis 

Pubblicato 29 set 2024 Aggiornato 29 set 2024 Cultura
time 4 min
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Things are changing ... and International Globe axis 

The photo of someone who should have never been elected in 2016 (even President Carter suspects and asserts something like that), of someone about whom even former FBI director (fired by him) "James Comey concedes he may have been responsible for Trump's elections win in 2016, and the sustained, years long nightmare that continues today" (source : 'X', "Arizona Political", Sept. 21th), that photo is from The Weekly Dish (Sept. 27th) which shows "An image of Donald Trump [who] appears on video screens before his speech to supporters outside the White House on January 6, 2021". A shame, and one of the numerous charges upon the Felon, the Disqualified : Trump Defendant.  The media emphasizes on "Trump Derangement Syndrome", "the venale or the vacuous, the awful or the empty, the malignant or the mediocre, "the most shameless charlatan in America political history", the man who is even "toxic for conservatism". The name which is synonymous

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