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"While the election heats up our planet is still burning" (Conspiracy and Axis)

"While the election heats up our planet is still burning" (Conspiracy and Axis)

Pubblicato 9 ago 2024 Aggiornato 9 ago 2024 Cultura
time 3 min
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"While the election heats up our planet is still burning" (Conspiracy and Axis)


The quotation (title) is from The Guardian (August 8th) because it seems well to my purpose - ELECTION and a huge wave of heat, like a Debby Storm we heard about, given emerging effects of an untold war or "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy". The photo is from Morning Brew (August 8th) who celebrates the bright pleasant energizing ticket : Kamala Harris-Tim Walz. Tim Walz (Justice Matters), teacher, coach, veteran and governor is the antidote to Trump's narcissism egotism and hate". The photo shows the man who looks smiling and caring. Of course Presidency run is a classic, as Reuters Daily Briefing ( August 9th) frontpage recalls us : "Trump and Harris to debate". But no doubt it won't very interesting given the level gap between the two candidates. No, ELECTION is my issue from an international situation and viewpoint by which we see something sets on fire the World with the election as issue or at stake (Venezuela, and so on)

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