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NAMES.... (like classified ones)

NAMES.... (like classified ones)

Pubblicato 29 ott 2023 Aggiornato 29 ott 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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NAMES.... (like classified ones)


Trump, Putin, a third man as a deeply dark reality which nothing to do with Deep State, CIA ... ? of course (Barr, for example as American one), and more. Focus is now, each day, more fixed, rightly put : no escape, no way out. The former Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner (whose superviser was also Robert Mueller : his report could worry many silenced names), exasperated by the disaster, assumes the word CONSPIRACY - yes it is a very big worrying conspiracy - like others before (History is made of them too) ; but I rather think to the arms issue (an old lobby - right wing one - which makes easy task to anyone who could murder, sane - as defence - and insane - paranoid - ones) with which American Police has to deal with (we saw in schools for example) ; during a press holding, the woman Chief is not scared of talking  of MANHUNT after shooting regarding what we can call collateral damage. WAR IS REALITY, including countries where it is not

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Per accedervi, iscriviti alla Creative Room "Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign di Cecile Voisset

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