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Exploded or Expected ?(on TRUMP-ASSANGE CONNECTION)

Exploded or Expected ?(on TRUMP-ASSANGE CONNECTION)

Pubblicato 20 ago 2023 Aggiornato 20 ago 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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Exploded or Expected ?(on TRUMP-ASSANGE CONNECTION)


My photo, pretty ugly, depicts a "killer clown"; it seems fitted for the non but business CIRCUS where so many lies are circulating, as the first way of murdering within a psychological war (lying for hurting, dammaging, separating, makind disappear and so on to the worst) by an endless PROPAGANDA which supposes experts, web professionals and so on. Indeed, Julian Assange is a liar, a true not a fake one : STOP ALL YOUR SILLY SONGS ! All was not had, but some and seemingly too many naive people and so-called activists. How even defending hacking (Justice, if you remember the title of a book by WikiLeaks founder) ? Mr Spiar (spy-liar) has not only met Google, as he declared by the title of another book (is he a writer too ?), oh no Justice does not exist For Me : too bad !

Still former Director of FBI (so easy to criticize and defame agencies), the one who even Trump didn't succeed to fire, still Mr Robert Mueller eyed Trump associa

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Per accedervi, iscriviti alla Creative Room "Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign di Cecile Voisset

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