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8th Round : Witch Hunting is ended a long long time ago

8th Round : Witch Hunting is ended a long long time ago

Pubblicato 16 set 2023 Aggiornato 16 set 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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8th Round : Witch Hunting is ended a long long time ago

Exit The Defendant-Disqualified, poor Mr Trump who'll never be President of The United States of America, who makes only but mistakes until ignoring History Sense : fool of him. How can such a man for whom Nation interest is nothing could be last on political stage ? One of his victims, the former FBI Director, a honest man, the relaxed now witness is speaks out (source : MSNBC, Sept 16th) : "New James Comey Revelations on Flynn, Trump Legal Jeopardy, Blackmail Concerns". Of course there is no CORRUPTION without BLACKMAIL, Omerta, without HUSH-MONEY (the silence bought for betraying his country for Russia and so on), COMPROMISES. Mr Comey talks about "prostitute business" (in another terms : Trump is a valet) and about a man who isn't capable of any decision. No, Mr Trump, Witch Hunting is over; you're wrong especially concerning your communication or advertisings.

And nothing can make such a Felon running for Presidential Campaign, e

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Per accedervi, iscriviti alla Creative Room "Trump Trials" and American Presidential Campaign di Cecile Voisset

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