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Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Pubblicato 25 set 2024 Aggiornato 25 set 2024 Curiosità
time 2 min
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Finding Inspiration Through Imaginary Adventures

Turn daydreams into creative discoveries

As someone who’s spent much of my life with my head in the clouds, I’ve always found escape through vivid daydreams and make-believe scenarios. Though some may see this as counterproductive, I’ve discovered imaginary adventures can be a highly effective self-care technique, especially for us creatives.

Growing up, I spent countless recess periods entertaining myself by assigning roles and storylines to the other kids in the playground. In my mind, they became knights and wizards embarking on epic quests. As an only child, it was how I learned to cultivate independence and imagination.

Now, as a writer, I rely on this childhood skill when inspiration feels scarce.

It’s easy to get tangled in overthinking plot lines or editing myself into paralysis. That’s when I know it’s time for an imaginary journey.

For me, the beach serves as a perfect portal. I find a quiet spot, close my eyes, an

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