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Anomaly, Interference ?A Mistake : When Information - Truth, Justice - Matters, instead Disinformation.

Anomaly, Interference ?A Mistake : When Information - Truth, Justice - Matters, instead Disinformation.

Pubblicato 3 dic 2023 Aggiornato 3 dic 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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Anomaly, Interference ?A Mistake : When Information - Truth, Justice - Matters, instead Disinformation.


Here is today my source for representing and meaning my purpose : Jan Van Imschoot's "L'Empire se trompe" (1963) [Empire is wrong]. Today, purposely I start and comment with a fact and a repetitive one since Glenn Kirschner's Posts on FaceBook are now but ridiculously mocked (a falsified voice like a childish one) and obviously fought : subtitles of the former Prosecutor cannot be easily read for they are inverted ,(we cannot read them from left to right) : in other words, Enemis of Justice - Defendants - interfere into his speeches whose contents are rich, learning and punchy : therefore Justice is Coming. What a stupid attempt (we know now factually, actually), it is even not censorship (bye bye American agencies, CIA and Co chimera, FBI and Co obsessions.....). No : fight/s on the Web is/are clear; attacks are clearer and Justice Fear - The Rule of Law as enforcement, not the Last Judgment - is appearing whereas trust for any def

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