La corruption
analyse philosophique, notions et thèmes : justice, vérité, opinion, jugement, raisonnement, corruption, propagande, mensonge, emprise, scandale, mythe, récit et discours, légende, imaginaire, rêve et réalité... COVID19.

Taught Philosophy during around 15 years into the French "Ministère de l'Education nationale", translate since 2018 non-fictions (short and long texts), mainly from English to French and from French to English.
Writing is my pleasure, daily if I can (for example on American politics), and above all on Contemporary Art and political philosophy with some threads like corruption and judgment.
Miembro de Panodyssey desde agosto 2020
analyse philosophique, notions et thèmes : justice, vérité, opinion, jugement, raisonnement, corruption, propagande, mensonge, emprise, scandale, mythe, récit et discours, légende, imaginaire, rêve et réalité... COVID19.
Thèmes et champs : philosophie (enquête), philosophie politique, métaphysique, philosophie et théorie, anticorruption, analyse (discours, énoncés, etc.), vérité et actualité, justice et institutions, mensonge et politique, vrai et faux, etc.
The World we live : the corrupted one (covid19, a lie which won't last) : Corruption/Non-Corruption, Slavery/Freedom, Censorship/Speech, War/Peace ....
Covid scandal, corruption/non-corruption, Truth/Lies, Mafia/governements & firms, vaccine/non-vaccine, Human Rights and Laws (lawsuits), Police/Justice, and so on...
Corruption et anti-corruption, le scandale Covid19 (corona virus), mafia(s), information/désinformation, covidisme, mensonges et vérités, police et renseignements généraux/services du secret, secrets et dissimulation, Etat de droit, société du spectacle.
Corruption, conspiracy, State crime, war crime, worst crime, antisemistism, COVID19, robbery, rapt, treason, United States of America, childhood, Hollywood, files, money, CIA, DIA, New York, supremacism, racism, drugs, tobacoo, Silicon Valley...
The Rule of Law in Democracy, Anticorruption v Corruption (Conspiracy), Truth and Fakism (monkeyism), FBI v CIA, Mafias and neighborhoods, lies and narratives, criminalities and citizen Power and Right, Men and Women (children), Countries and Rights....
Trump and aftermath, a Huge Seditious Conspiracy, The Big Lie, Mafia, Covid19 and a Criminal Case, United States of America, Espionage and Counter-Espionage, Corruption v. Justice, Freedom and Amendments, FBI, DOJ, CIA, Supreme Court, Journalism....
"Trump Trials", Truth fight against post-truth and mind corruption (control), Past and Present, Defendants and Defenders, citizenship and policy, Truth and confusion (prohibition and lies), Justice and Power, Family and State (men, women, children).
Department of Justice, Intelligence Agencies, Corruption and Investigations (Classified Documents Case, "The Espionage Act", Covid19 Case .....), The United States of America and Presidential Run, America between Past and Present.
Trump Defendant and Trump Trials, an ongoing increasing investigation; Justice and reports (the Mueller Report first of all), The Russia Case, The highly Classified Documents Case and more; a World Map ahead.
The American Campaign for US Presidency (issues of the run to the Oval Office), Trump and Justice, The United States of America and International Stage, Trials ahead.
The United States of America, The World past-present-future, Europe regarding West and East, Justice and The Rule of Law, Democracy and non-Democracy, Corruption and Propaganda, Trials ahead (political ones but not only : businessmen, journalists ...)
Post-Trump's victory, "Trump Defendant" and DOJ, the world and the disinformation (propaganda) vs information, ICJ, Israel and antisemitism spread, the classified documents case and "Julian Assange", America and Europe, democracy and democracies at stake.
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Bernard Ducosson hace 1 año
"J'aime écrire, l'écriture plus que la littérature m'intéresse. Tout ce qui prête à la réflexion me v"... Vous manquez de caractères Cécile ; une faiblesse que vous revendiquez ?
Bernard Ducosson hace 1 año
"J'aime écrire, l'écriture plus que la littérature m'intéresse. Tout ce qui prête à la réflexion me v"... Vous manquez de caractères Cécile ; une faiblesse que vous revendiquez ?
Bernard Ducosson hace 1 año
"J'aime écrire, l'écriture plus que la littérature m'intéresse. Tout ce qui prête à la réflexion me v"... Vous manquez de caractères Cécile ; une faiblesse que vous revendiquez ?