With the Panodyssey Free offer, your storage is limited to 1 GB.
Switch to subscription Pro or Visibility to unlock more space
and create without limits!
The Panodyssey Free offer lets you manage up to 10 Creative Rooms. For unlimited projects and optimum organisation, upgrade to Pro or Visibility and access to an infinite number of Creative Rooms.
You've reached the limit of content in your Creative Rooms!
With the Panodyssey Free offer you can archive up to 1000 publications and manage 10 Creative Rooms. Upgrade to subscription Pro or Visibility to:
5 GB of storage for your creations,Unlimited archiving of content,Unlimited Creative Rooms to organise and manage all your content as you see fit.Subscribe
Are you limited in the management of your drafts?
With the Panodyssey Free offer you can manage 5 drafts.
Switch to subscription Pro or Visibility to:
Unlimited access to drafts,Storage extended to 5 GB,Access to the Premium Editor for advanced creative tools,And organise your drafts directly from your profile page.Subscribe
Plan your publications and create rituals with your audience!
With the Panodyssey Free offer, publication planning is deactivated. Switch to subscription Pro or Visibility to activate this feature and benefit from:
A Premium editor for advanced creative features,The ability to schedule your publications to organise your work and engage your audience,Create regular rituals with your readers.Subscribe
Work as a team with the collaborative editor!
With the Panodyssey Free offer you are limited to 10 collaborative publications.
Switch to subscription Pro or Visibilityto take advantage of:
Unlimited collaborative publications with multiple contributors,Advanced rights management for each team member,Premium editor for customisation tools: font colour, font size, 5 fonts to choose from, coloured highlighting, deleting styles when copying/pasting, resizing an image and aligning it with the text, wrapping, creating tables.Subscribe
Manage access to and monetise your content with Creative Room Prime!
With the Panodyssey Free offer you are limited to 5 Creative Rooms Prime. Switch to subscription Pro or Visibility to benefit from :
Creative Rooms Prime unlimited to manage the conditions of access to your content,Fixing the price for each creation,Access to a subscriber base to effectively monetise your content.Subscribe
Increase the visibility of your publications and attract more readers!
With the Panodyssey Free or Pro offer visibility is limited.
Switch to subscription Visibility to take advantage of
Priority highlighting of your publications in the library for more reads,Increased visibility for your profile thanks to our algorithm and the allocation of a reserved badge on your profile,Exclusive tools to improve your visibility on the profile page, my account, with more notifications sent and more interactive links,Share your publications in the News Feed with one click to promote your news and archives.Subscribe
Access the Premium editor
for more professional
professional creations!
With the Panodyssey Gratuit offer, access to the Premium editor is disabled.
Switch to subscription Pro or Visibility to take advantage of:
Advanced tools: font colour, font size, 5 fonts to choose from, coloured highlighting, deleting styles when copying/pasting, resizing an image and aligning it with the text, wrapping, creating tables.High-quality creations to personalise your publications and offer your readers a unique experience.Subscribe
Maman, éducatrice Montesssori, hp, j’adore penser, créer, découvrir, me nourrir d’infos diverses, écrire, regarder les montagnes, jouer aux jeux de société, suivre des recettes et en inventer, aider les autres, faire du brainstorming, etc.