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Chun-Han Lee

Chun-Han Lee


Chun-Han Lee


Coming from Taiwan, with my second visit in France, I'm more than excited to start my life here. I'm curious about many things and willing to try to build new ideas all the time. I'm a people person, extravert and passionate, connect up!

Miembro de Panodyssey desde febrero 2020

5176 lecturas 45 Suscripciones 35 Suscriptores 19 me gusta 0 comentario

From one place to another

Writing about life in France as a foreigner. I'm from Taiwan and I share my point of view regarding the different cultures and events I encountered.

From one place to another
From one place to another

Look and Find

Book recommendations, video recommendations. What kind of valuable content can you find online & offline?

Look and Find
Look and Find

Work life = BD & Marketing

Some reflections about interesting insights about Business Development, Customer Relationship Management and Marketing learnings. Cover photo from Unsplash @stilclassics

Work life = BD & Marketing
Work life = BD & Marketing
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