The King With No Name
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The King With No Name
Les fans d’heroïc fantasy et de jeux de rôle devraient aimer ce texte. Musicalement, j’étais à mi-chemin entre Uriah Heep et Black Sabbath.
Somenights the wind carries
The voices of the shadows
Who are telling a story
A memory looms from the past
To remember me the sorrows
I hope that should be the last
The memory of a trouble night
When Lady Death has been raped
The memory of a damned night
When my spirit has been trapped
Close the doors of you dungeons
Don’t let enter the demons
Close your doors
He’s coming back
The King with no name
Close your eyes
He’s on the stake
The King with no name
What had happened in the coven ?
An alchemist was on the druid’s rock
Look with me to the past
And forget the time’s screen of smog
You don’t know who, why ‘n when
You only know that comes from past
Oh-oh-oh… (ad lib in a mariner style)
Lightened by his oil la
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