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My Voyage of Self-Discovery

My Voyage of Self-Discovery

Publicado el 25, sept., 2024 Actualizado 25, sept., 2024 Personal Development
time 2 min
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My Voyage of Self-Discovery

Uncovering the compass that guides me.

Like many, I spent years drifting through life without a clear sense of purpose or direction. I achieved success according to mainstream metrics but still felt unfulfilled. Something inside told me I was missing the mark, but I didn’t know how to correct it.

It was around my mid-30s when I decided I could no longer ignore the nagging void. I recognized I first needed to understand myself on a deeper level before mapping out an intentional path ahead. And so began my values' discovery process.

The journey started with carving out reflective time each morning with journaling. 

I looked back on life chapters, replaying memories that still brought me joy or meaning years later. Notes from service trips, interactions with inspiring mentors, and creative projects are done for passion not pay, these experiences filled my soul the most.

I realized a common thread uniting all my most

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