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Sweet Lady Heart

Sweet Lady Heart

Publicado el 21, mar, 2020 Actualizado 3, jul, 2021 Curiosidades
time 1 min
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Sweet Lady Heart


i was attracted when i saw your skin,

then i sent a friend request you didn't deny it


oh sista a love ya deeply, ma kindread a love you fully


big desire for your lips willing to touch your skin, have a dive in yar eyes


holding you by tha hand


i'll be dreaming with you tonight,

once again thinking of you


you're cute pretty lady,

a love ur sensuality a love you fully


far away from eyes, but close to my heart,

we share textos and i send you all my thoughts

a full week thinking of you, and i fall in love with you


my heart is yours, my soul is yours,

we share something spécial n i want to be with you


no matter what i'm gonna have to do

i never felt what i'm feeling,

i never dreamt what i'm loving

cos you're my princess

i want to be your king


dreaming a skin is not a sin i'm hiding in a tree

whishing us being free about dreaming us


you're my princess, you're my lady,

you're my queen i want to be you're king,


dreaming a skin is not a sin

whishing the best for you, wishing the best for us


i'll dream with you tonight, blowing you to the light

i belong to your heart


ya say me i'm you're king

a tell you you're my kween


sweet lady of my heart,

I’ll  never can forget ourselves

since i was sick and you left me

but i forgive you and do believe

you'll never can forget our love.



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