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I'm a Flooder

I'm a Flooder

Publicado el 3, may, 2023 Actualizado 3, may, 2023 Cultura
time 1 min
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I'm a Flooder

Well you know
We were many brethens

We used to think
we were funners
N'now I know
I've become a flooder

Too much flatterers
I've sent 'em go see Hell stucked into Muspell memories taken back off their mind

They'll be there forever

Relatavize, Study, Reason n'Understand Wipassana aside Ch'aan n Sotto-Rinzai. I'm a Kaosatva with my Knowledges hosted when I was boarderlined, crafting Zos n Dharma

It was an oath to turn a messenger, Led by önd n präna catching. Listening to my Vaetirs, Seeking Love with Wisdom.

They came under rain falls, Always healing my pains. Am shy under sun lights, last year I found my Soul Trusted in the moonlights I remember a night, Blood Oath in a black sky

This was one year ago I never break my oaths

We were destined to meet, Faith made I met my Mate. We are since Luvians, Desire made the rest.I wanted only one,Glad I found her online.

One love unity light, Am nomore feared of Love.

Never went a junkie, Nor than fucking a whore I think it's Sacrilege, Shame of paying for sex.,

Am rather stay virgin, Wish marry our bodies. It's a virtue I held,

My oath toward Witchcraft
Studied so many years,
A full sequence of Runes.
My own path with Elders,

I became a Vitki, a good Galdragildi.

Nothing is true Magick is real, N'all is permitted till you hurt nobody.

lecture 143 lecturas
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