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A Brief History of Gardening

A Brief History of Gardening

Publicado el 28, ago., 2024 Actualizado 28, ago., 2024 Nature
time 2 min
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A Brief History of Gardening

You take gardening for granted.

You take gardening for granted, since everyone either gardens or knows someone who does. But, have you ever wondered how gardening started? And how it developed into the vegetable and flower gardens we know today? Here is a concise history of cultivating as the centuries progressed.

Ancient Gardening

 The oldest type of gardening is forest gardening. This is an ancient type of food gardening. When food-producing vines and trees were discovered, they began to be grown in groups for easy access to food. These gardens evolved into more elaborate ornamental gardens. They were only for the wealthier members of society.

Gardening in the Middle Ages

Ornamental gardening began to disappear somewhat during the Middle Ages. After the fall of the Roman Empire, most gardens were designed to grow herbs. And other plants for medicine. Many of these gardens were around churchyards. Religious communities had nurser

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