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The Light That Has Lighted the World           (behind that locked door)

The Light That Has Lighted the World           (behind that locked door)

Publicado el 11, mar., 2023 Actualizado 11, mar., 2023 Cultura
time 2 min
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The Light That Has Lighted the World           (behind that locked door)

Today scoop (Morning Brew, March 11th), so ridiculous regarding knowledge, learning and values especially Democracy ones : Silicon Valley Bank is out (of -their - game). Don't know if History does obey Rules or Laws, but still impression is nowadays given that an - old, decay - Empire rises and falls : the Tech-industry in its collusion with (any) POWER and (dis/mis)INFORMATION (like Mafia) cannot no more be worthy, is not now reliable. Biased view and decadence ideology (Google despite faces, and a book on Julian Assange explains all that fuss and simulation), the misunderstood advance or progress, until believing in a post-truth era within we could say anything without Truth and Falsehood, and then without Good and Right. Yes the World gets' round, yes. And political issues or consequences are very interesting, in a moment when Nature (auto-immune system, human one but not also, Planet concerns and so on) has to be viewed as respecta

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