Save your CREAtivity in a Room
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Save your CREAtivity in a Room
Albert Einstein said “Creativity is intelligence having fun”.
So why not have fun by unleashing your imagination and creating written texts linked to photos, videos, images and music? Panodyssey allows ample room for creativity, sharing with numerous readers and your writings to emerge.
Your talent is precious! Let it be admired and appreciated!
Where to save your masterpieces? In a Creative Room in Panodyssey.
Now I'll explain why the Creative Room is a brilliant idea!
Don't you happen to write and write articles, books, poems, etc. and save them in the computer memory based on the date of creation, in alphabetical order or in a random way that you can never find, just like the house keys? Well, this doesn't happen with the Creative Rooms. You can create as many as you want and categorize them to your liking, having fun customizing them. For example, if you have three Creative Rooms: sport, novel and travel, every time you have written something on these topics enter freely, do not confuse with other writings of another genre and those who follow your Room are immediately notified of your news.
The advantage is that you find your writings very easily and quickly because you know the Room in which you entered it and even after months and years the identification is spontaneous. It's like a safe and secure folder that you know is there waiting for you, with your followers passionate about that topic and eager to read more.
If you have a branched imagination and multiple interests you can save all the writings in one free profile on Panodyssey but in a myriad of rooms. You can share on different social media with a simple click and receive comments and likes from followers, see their profiles and meet other writers with the same literary passions.
Don't think that's all! You can decide that one of your Rooms is paid for readers if you wish, or available only for subscribers and the other Rooms to be free. They are not all bound by a single rule. For example, let's consider the same three Creative Rooms as before: sports, novel and travel, they can be free for everyone to read, or different prices based on your calculations and preferences, or you could receive donations from your followers who appreciate your writing. The opportunities are many. Publish now!
Don't keep your writings hidden in a corner of your bookshelf! Enhance your art and let it be appreciated on Panodyssey.

Alexandre Leforestier 2 years ago
I am very impressed !
I know how to create and design innovative concepts in the creative sectors... But I don't know how to explain them !
I am lucky, Diana knows how to do it. ;-)
Wonderful !