Can You Be Yourself at Work?
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Can You Be Yourself at Work?
Chancing authenticity in a professional setting.
We have all been there: sitting in a meeting or customer call, putting on a “work persona” that feels fake. You bowdlerize your true studies and passions to fit what you suppose is anticipated or applicable. But is bringing your whole tone to the office such a parlous idea?
As professionals, there’s always pressure to leave the corridors of our individualizes at the door to fit certain morals or prospects. Still, exploration shows that embracing our authentic characters can boost performance and job satisfaction. When we feel comfortable expressing what motivates and inspires us, it frees up internal energy for further creative problem-working.
Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash
Of course, professionalism is still important. The key is choosing a balance that respects boundaries while allowing your genuine personality to shine through. Then are some tips for bringing further of you
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