Unmasking the Dark Side of Screen Use
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Unmasking the Dark Side of Screen Use
Find the hidden perils of tech-infused travel.
As we enter the digital age, screens have become part of our lives without any much fuss. They provide for work, leisure, and communication, and they always transform how we communicate. However, a clear and present danger is foreshadowed as screens gradually move into the prominence, especially in commuting environments. This discourse shall seek to further examine the anecdotal, or the material and psychic implications imputed to over SCREEN usage during journeys, with an emphasis on the dangers and effects accompanying this emerging behavior.
It is, therefore, not a surprise that the presence of screens across transit environments has been found to be closely linked to a range of physical effects.
Firstly, it encourages lethargy, in physical terms excluding movement, in its truest sense. People forget physical activities and incline towards their screens-for movies, gaming missions o
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