The Truth About What Makes Great Employees
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The Truth About What Makes Great Employees
What defines Top Talent?
As a longtime manager, I used to firmly believe that the best employees were the smartest and hardest working ones. Give me top grades from Ivy League schools, and a resume full of 80-hour work weeks; that’s the ideal employee, right? While intelligence and drive are certainly important qualities, after over a decade in leadership roles, I’ve realized there is so much more that goes into what makes employees excel. The secret is focusing less on stats and credentials, and more on cultivating an environment where diverse talents can truly thrive.
I first started questioning my assumptions years ago when I hired Adam straight out of college.
On paper, he didn’t check all the typical boxes: his GPA was average and his previous work experience was limited. But in our interview, he showed a passion for our mission and a contagious enthusiasm. I took a chance on him, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
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