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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part IV)

How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part IV)

Veröffentlicht am 28, Apr., 2021 Aktualisiert am 28, Apr., 2021 Unternehmertum
time 2 min
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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part IV)


And we will be done with whistleblowers.



And we will be done with whistleblowers”, this is the meaningful final sentence of the article How whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part IV)” written by Stéphanie Gibaud. It perfectly matches the deep thoughts which we, the whistleblowers have had these last years when each of us was wondering what we could do when confronted with complex, surprising inhuman unfair stories of women and men who have had the courage to say the truth.

As company managers, we understand better than anyone else the financial stakes, the unfaithful competition, the failings of public markets and the opacity of the commercial world where each actor has until now played with the sole thought of a very short-term profitability.

During the last few years, the scandals revealed have demonstrated that it is of utmost importance that the professional world evolves extremely quickly. The

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