Whistleblower one Day, Pariah forever?
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Whistleblower one Day, Pariah forever?
"I used to work for the government, I now work for the citizens"
Edward Snowden
Emblematic Cases
Julian Assange, symbolic editor of the site WikiLeaks which he founded in 2006, has been a refugee in the Embassy of Ecuador in London for seven and a half years as of June 2012. He feared an extradition to Sweden and then most probably to the United States of America because of the procedures opened against him in these countries. However, in February 2016, five experts from the United Nations pronounced a positive decision concluding that Assange has been a real victim of an arbitrary decision since June 2012. As a consequence, they claimed that the refugee should immediately be released and receive compensations. On May 19th,2017 Sweden announced that they were abandoning legal proceedings relating to rape crimesagainst the Australian citizen. This was the first important victory in his file. Furthermore, in December 2017, Assa
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Um Zugang zu erhalten, abonniere den Creative Room Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) von Stephanie Gibaud
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