Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part IV)
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Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part IV)
Becoming an inspiring power again thanks to ethics
Stéphanie Gibaud: « For more than ten years, I have been suffering slanders, rumors and smear campaigns. This cruel and clear point being made, how many people in the world and how many French citizens have published a book with a preface written by Julian Assange? »
Wikileaks obviously has a mass of information. In this respect, awakening as stated above is not to be neglected because an important number of citizens, exasperated to see that their intelligence is despised, start investigating more and more. Their investigations being productive, many of them manage to establish interpretations which do not leave any doubts regarding dirty tricks played by the governments.
In their internet investigations, citizens are nowadays able to discover strategic information which are communicated to spy agencies, the mission of which is to potentially bring down leading French companies. For
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