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Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part III)

Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part III)

Veröffentlicht am 8, Juli, 2021 Aktualisiert am 8, Juli, 2021 Politik
time 3 min
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Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part III)

In the digital age, collective conscience is stimulated

Thanks to internet, the time of the awakening of collective conscience is here. In the midst of a sanitary crisis never seen before, the French citizens find it outrageous that tax evasion leads to the closure of hospital beds. Public opinion silently awakens. At last, people understand that tax evasion kills. (Oxfam video).

The more collective conscience is stimulated, the less citizens will forgive breaches of law. Geopolitically speaking,as we have written in a previous article, the will to appear as being the “country of human rights” while being exposed to one’s contradictions in the digital age does not make sense. Some political regimes described as strong or as dictatorships laugh at the French lecture.


How long will the army accept to have its confidential information robbed, because unable to protect them nationally as its members use material made by foreign power

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