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How is Freedom of the Press being assassinated? (Part I)

How is Freedom of the Press being assassinated? (Part I)

Veröffentlicht am 24, März, 2021 Aktualisiert am 29, März, 2021 Politik
time 10 min
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How is Freedom of the Press being assassinated? (Part I)

"Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it". Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, January 25th, 1786

How the Right to inform is being assassinated

Democracy passes through the fourth power and that is the information of the press and not by a communication tool. The journalists are the first whistleblowers because their job is precisely to investigate and expose what otherwise would remain unknown without their pen or their microphone. The list of affairs is endless! From the 1971 ‘Urba’ scandal relating to the conditions of the attribution of contracts for public market offers in relation to the hidden financing of the Parti Socialiste, to the affair of the so-calledsniffer planes”, to the phone tapping at the Presidential Palace, to the ‘Carrefour du Développement’ (Crossroads of Development), to the personal enrichment and fake jobs at the MNEFto the ‘contamin

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