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Ethics above Politics

Ethics above Politics

Veröffentlicht am 20, März, 2020 Aktualisiert am 1, Okt., 2020 Politik
time 3 min
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Ethics above Politics


Ethics above Politics

by Claudia Moscovici

Decades later, for some, the Holocaust remains a controversial subject. It still polarizes people into prioritizing national interests over universal moral agreement. Ironically, I think this subject becomes politicized when an essentially ethical question comes up: who bears responsibility for it? This question tends to turn political when important historical figures--leaders of various regimes associated with or supportive of Nazism--become, for some, nationalist symbols. The focus of discussion then changes from a defense of the millions of innocent victims to a defensive nationalist posture. I think that, however complex the political and historical considerations may have been for each country during WWII, it's important to keep in mind

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