How Whistleblowers are being assassinated by the professional World
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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated by the professional World
“The hardest part is not blowing the whistle;
it is to manage what happens afterwards”.An anonymous whistleblower
From Terror to professional Death
Within the companies, sanctions which are the most often cited by whistleblowers are the reprimands, isolation, down-grading, humiliation, the public notices, harassment and dismissals. These sanctions do not include the consequences that these schemes will have on the whistleblowers’ health nor on their families. Broken down by the company in which they blew the whistle and / or about which they have disclosed malfunctions, the whistleblowers face the culture of silence and lies.
Indeed, facing the ‘truth teller’ there stands the culture of lies. The former French Minister of the Budget JérômeCahuzac who had announced he was fighting tax evasion even denied his own offshore Swiss bank accounts before finally backpedaling and admitting the fraud he had committed. Bill Clinton,
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Um Zugang zu erhalten, abonniere den Creative Room Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) von Stephanie Gibaud
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