How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part III)
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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part III)
General Alert
In the 1970s, most of the French citizens were gardening. While cultivating the garden of one’s house or an allotment garden, everyone had a link with nature, its direct environment and was cooking its local production. The development of urbanism linked to the one of the tertiary sector has lead to rural exodus. It generated the concentration of buildings in the outskirts of cities and thecreation of megacities. The price of real estate has quickly forced the new city-dwellers to live in smaller apartments and accommodations, without any outdoor area, without direct link with nature. Growing fruit and vegetables has turned into an activity for the elderly people and the ones negligently called “country people”. In accelerated life models, going grocery shopping has turned into a weekly sprint after very busy weeks spent between office hours, family responsibilities and packed transport, but until now there was something
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