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Now Run for White House warms up, time is to remind anyone how Trump is lawless and a man whose even first election is questionable (President Jimmi Carter has pointed it out), whose help for ELECTION is from abroad, that his use and betrayer of Press and media makes him now out of values : no gratitude at all, no love of his country, no respect for anyone who disagrees with him, and so on. That headline from CNN's 5 Things (August 12th) is quite funny : "Trump's campaign said in a statement that it had been hacked by Iranian operatives that's 'intended to interfere with the 2024 election' ". Ridiculous, first of all opportunist as well as narcissistic : which interest Iran could be to SPY him and hos staff ? Unless we grab just now a mirror reflection of what is a conspiracy (against Israel, as it happens) or even a "cabal" (Glenn Kirschner) along a dangerous confusion between RELIGION (cult) and STATE or scorn for Constitution an
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