Election Day is soon ...
Auf Panodyssey kannst du bis zu 10 Veröffentlichungen im Monat lesen ohne dich anmelden zu müssen. Viel Spaß mit 9 articles beim Entdecken.
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Election Day is soon ...
Thank you so much to Morning Brew (October 28th) for the photo you can see with the headline : "The business of not endorsing a candidate". Actually, really like a bomb : for the first time, The Washington Post (owner : Jeff Bezos) and Los Angeles Times (owner : Patrick Soon-Shiong) do not endorse a candidate for PRESIDENCY ELECTION; so ironical, maybe bitter regarding meaning into a democracy is the photo above but (I quote the inspiring media) "saying nothing says a lot" ; or, in my own words : saying nothing is still saying something : hush........ Clearly is the tacit instruction, the silenced order, command even not commandment to not endorse Kamala Harris especially because of "US' role in the war in Gaza". A bombshell from mainstream like CNN which ("5 Things AM", October 28th) reports about THE WASHINGTON POST that "its billionaire owner remains silent"; but why ? Is it a matter of influence ? Don't know. Only business inter
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