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One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

Veröffentlicht am 17, Dez., 2023 Aktualisiert am 17, Dez., 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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One Step Beyond


To forced exiles

My title text is willingly ambiguous : in a good way, the main one - the Justice one - I think, and in a bad way (threat to Democracy and civil rights). The bad one (I start with) I hear about (if not feel, very at risk for some individuals) the book of a German physician, medical doctor renowned molecular geneticist, Michael NEHLS : The Indoctrinated Brain. I refer to his conversation with Ilana Rachel Daniel ("The Jerusalem Report", CHD.TV, these days, Dec 13 for example) on the current threat to MENTAL HEALTH and generally unnatural diseases, stricktly speaking concerning the mental immune system, among others for victims or targets from sociopaths/psychopaths, from disinformation or strong PROPAGANDA and of course from any criminal and above all from criminal organisations. At stake is the hippocampus damage (lack of mental energy for survival), a center of mental system we can compare to SEDITION ('like a sing

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