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Around, Around and Around ...

Around, Around and Around ...

Veröffentlicht am 26, Nov., 2023 Aktualisiert am 26, Nov., 2023 Kultur
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Around, Around and Around ...


I chose the above picture, under the sign of PROTECTION (the Koala in danger but safe as animal, a reassessment of rarity), into Reuters Sustainable Switch (November 23th) comparing to ISSUES we deal with. And I lately heard about (The Conversation, Nov. 24th) the long dark history of antisemitism in AUSTRALIA. Many, and more and more, NAMES (Trump Defendant and Co, and so on, the Trumps now ...) drop since Mar-a-Lago case, a formula for generally speaking the classified documents case (we don't hear anything about since a few months it seems) and they still go on dropping along an ongoing increasing investigation without of course forgetting the big Mueller Report. Anti-Democracy (MSNBC, "ALL IN", Nov. 22th), antisemitism too, regards factually beyong Trump : " 'Abuse of power' Elon Musk sues media outlet, Trump-backed AD launcher probe." Even FOCUS ON RUSSIA has likely to be extended (why not to Greece? Or Argentina where a new el

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