The Unfettered Soul
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The Unfettered Soul
I feel the wind in my hair,
The sun on my face,
My heart beats with a flair,
As I move with grace.
I am free and energized,
My spirit soars up high,
My worries all minimized,
As I touch the sky.
My feet dance on the ground,
My body's in a trance,
The world spins round and round,
As I take a chance.
I am alive, I am here,
In this moment so divine,
I shed all doubt and fear,
And let my soul shine.
The world is my playground,
And I'm its happy child,
I am free and unbound,
My spirit running wild.
So let me revel in this bliss,
And let my spirit roam,
For in moments such as this,
I feel truly at home.