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Yesterday was The International Women (Rights) Day

Yesterday was The International Women (Rights) Day

Veröffentlicht am 9, März, 2024 Aktualisiert am 9, März, 2024 Kultur
time 4 min
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Yesterday was The International Women (Rights) Day


Why such a photo (source : The Conversation, March 8th) ? Why yesterday, and even before yesterday (the same online Australian review, on March 7th) by the way of a paper regarding Facebook ? You know hearings. But I wonder if I have a look at many people in the same case as mine : a mega Bug ? Don't know, but no access to my account since a few days NOW : I still wonder ; I don't think the cause stems from FB, of course not; or why ? Guess harsh rivalry or fierce competition, disputed rush, CENSORSHIP for sure, and Now ; then such a matter or subject involves hackers or wire professional spies : Big Tech maze and Web professionals with  ... Anyway, the social media for non professional writers (without press card) and even for Justice professionals like Glenn Kirschner and so on to claim and keep on telling truth or informing ; for example, again on charges upon Trump Defendant (Justice Matters, G. KIrschner, Twitter, March 7th) :

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