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"Trump Trials" ahead, Hamas attack of Israel : Contexts.

"Trump Trials" ahead, Hamas attack of Israel : Contexts.

Veröffentlicht am 2, Dez., 2023 Aktualisiert am 2, Dez., 2023 Kultur
time 4 min
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"Trump Trials" ahead, Hamas attack of Israel : Contexts.


My photo (source : Le Monde Diplomatique, Dec. 2023) is chosen as a both original and surprising one : not the used vertical thing but the opposite as if time cannot run, does not pass (a theoretical idea somehow or a kind of atheist (left) religion idea, utterly dis-connected - and disinformation can also be tied to misunderstanding - with a complicated and investigated Reality) ; but the French "Diplo" is interesting, both for its photo and its paper regarding a political and a judiciary context it seems to ignore ; in another word, timeless and biased is it a bit but interesting for focusing on the contrary on the current problematic (Israel's attack by Hamas, and this war now - another repetition, another one - is not by chance) which can't forget Trump Defendant and trouble DEALS which maybe could make soon also talk about Netanyahu Defendant but not only him, because Israel one more time is attacked as Israel (it's my purpose)

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