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Veröffentlicht am 25, Feb., 2024 Aktualisiert am 25, Feb., 2024 Kultur
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"Prosecuting Donald Trump" is not just a banner if you conceive that Justice is war instead of fight adn a fight for the vindication of the Rule of Law; it is first of all a commitment, a judiciary emergency, what Opinion - as it happens the American one - has to think at the same time an ongoing investigation (a long one) goes on whereas any Justice professional (prosecutor, judge, General Attorney, and so on) knows the discrepancy between a lack of knowledge from People and what really happens in Court. In the case of the former President of America and during the Presidancy campaign it matters to win for immunity (supposing no President can be prosecuted and indicted), the case of a dangerous politician who belongs both to FEDERAL and STATE CASE, there is still a gap between most part of people and a judicial reality. 

I chose the picture of Niki Haley, because she is (a woman, an obviously white but a woman) the Republican chal

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