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Neither Love Affairs nor Love Story : Love traffic & Co

Neither Love Affairs nor Love Story : Love traffic & Co

Veröffentlicht am 4, Jan., 2024 Aktualisiert am 4, Jan., 2024 Kultur
time 2 min
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Neither Love Affairs nor Love Story : Love traffic & Co


CNN's 5 Things (Newsletter, on 2024, Dec. 4th) reports as its third news (headlines) : "Hundred of pages documents from a lawsuit connected to accused sex-trafficker Epstein were unsealed Wednesday." And it's only a first batch of docs, so more ahead which includes 200 names. Other candidates, alive or not, American not ones, who buy and sell People especially children ? Anyway, thanks a lot to this mainstream media for recalling at least the name of one of Trump's friends. Links with a few very serious cases (we do not forget : classified docs one, Mueller's probe and so on) are likely the future matter of Justice in those times where we see the profil of the end of an Empire when ANTISEMITISM is still tolerated : have to look such a triumvirat (always stories with murders) : TRUMP-PUTIN-NETANYAHU. The same media reports also Iran's revenge on Israel with explosions and so on, like Reuters ('Daily Briefing' : Jan. 4th), too but cle

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