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Happy New Year To Lovers of The Rule Of Law

Happy New Year To Lovers of The Rule Of Law

Veröffentlicht am 2, Jan., 2024 Aktualisiert am 2, Jan., 2024 Kultur
time 2 min
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Happy New Year To Lovers of The Rule Of Law


Symptomatic (as an insane behind) is the photo as headline into Morning Brew today (2024, Jan. 2sd) and especially to compare with Trump Defendant since he was involved into a Coup and since Supreme Court is also at stake regarding Benjamin Netanyahu : the Judicial Coup failed in US (like the Jan. 6th Riot), not in Israel; but we all have to deal with aftermath regarding an ongoing investigation about a large complex conspiracy. I could add (I do it) that a trade or (secret) agreement or deal with PUTIN (Russia) could concern as much the Prime as the former President of America who will be disqualified according Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, Jan. 1rst) and not according to the professor of American Studies, Scott Lucas (Times Radio, Dec. 30th) as if the US Supreme Court is (was, would-should be) above each state and then allow the Felon-Conspirator to run for Presidency, as if each state is unconstitutional in its own decision o

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