Control Obession into serious Cases
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Control Obession into serious Cases
Control Mind - old Russian weapon, KGB is previous CIA, Mr Assange! Don't you know it, you whose name is linked to R. Stone and so on, a link between many others which concerns INTERFERENCE - , so Control Mind like a task, or Mind Kontrol (the very old good Russia arm) is an obsessive and even avowed goal; thet's why Morning Brew (Feb 4th) raises an ethical issue regarding Neuralink startup by the billionaire Elon Musk, also owner of the social media Twitter become X (like porn or unknown or both ? Money and sex, alas, flirt sometimes : mind the suicided Epstein), where some post or tweet and only there post or tweet (why not writing on many plateforms ? Untold or secret reasons ?) their ideas and spread their PROPAGANDA (now more and more clear and exonerating main Press or big Media) : is there propaganda without IMAGES ? I don't think so, and speaking, especially speaking out is so difficult from many standpoints. Anyway the weal
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