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US Supreme Court and International Court

US Supreme Court and International Court

Veröffentlicht am 3, Jan., 2024 Aktualisiert am 3, Jan., 2024 Kultur
time 2 min
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US Supreme Court and International Court


It goes wrong for the Disqualified Donald Trump, for Trump Defendant, and also for Benjamine Netanyahu ; neither the one is America, nor the second one Israel. I chose the photo above (picked up into Haaretz Weekend Brief, on 2023 Dec. 12th) because of the corresponding paper (by Reuters) I'm going to write the headline : "Iran Threatens Mediterranean Closure Over What It Calls Israeli Crimes in Gaza". STOP ! Stop Iran-Hamas-Russia... No Jewish debt for Gaza, please stay correct and fair, and brave (so much BEHIND!). 

The similarities between TRUMP and NETANAYAHU still are noticeable. Coup on one hand, and Court on the other hand (source : Haaretz Daily Brief, on 2024, Jan. 2sd) : "Israel High Court Strikes Down Netanyahu's Autocratic Lies". Very strange, isn't it ? I go on, with those kinds of suspicious social media like Twitter, before and after Elon Musk (X), a friend of Prime I think (whispers are spread on a Teslagate) and a

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