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Trump's Conspiracy, Israel as Scapegoat, International equilibrium at stake.

Trump's Conspiracy, Israel as Scapegoat, International equilibrium at stake.

Veröffentlicht am 18, Aug., 2024 Aktualisiert am 18, Aug., 2024 Kultur
time 6 min
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Trump's Conspiracy, Israel as Scapegoat, International equilibrium at stake.


Unaccountability is the same as disrespect for the Rule of law and more generally speaking of human rights as equality, abortion, free press, privacy, and so on : it aims to Donald Trump for many objective reasons; but there is a dreadful portrait of his co-conspirator Mr Speaker ; "Duty to warn : May I Tell You Who Mike Johnson Really Is ?", by Frank Schaeffer who talks about a trial to replace democracy by theocracy, freedom by slavery and any awful inhuman practices which are regression for humankind. However, the former President of The United States should face his several trials upon now 35 charges: " a huge seditious criminal conspiracy" with effects and presuppositions which are emerging now. Among others those charges, DEAL and STEAL are recurrent. ELECTION, a world wide issue, regards the Felon - Trump Defendant - as well as other dictators and countries or heads of State whose goals are the failure and the fall of democra

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