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Stop Putting People like Children : STOP THE STEAL.

Stop Putting People like Children : STOP THE STEAL.

Veröffentlicht am 12, März, 2024 Aktualisiert am 12, März, 2024 Kultur
time 3 min
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Stop Putting People like Children : STOP THE STEAL.


It's been a long time I heard and saw different images of Unicorns for kids (so ugly, especially if we compare with an old tradition or medieval myth from weavers or eloquant ancient canvas and certainly not for children) like plastic polluting or even morally poisoning toys (to make people stupid, mindless) but also like gadgets and widgets we don't need. So : stop the steal, stop the deal too. I'm not a fan reader of The Kennedy Beacon (source : March 11th), but today I borrow them the foolish photo above to cry STOP. Stop, while AN ONGOING INVESTIGATION - into American Country, but which regards and US and abroad - put on the table very serious charges upon the former President i. e. Trump Defendant. and targets a CRIMINAL AIM from a few viewpoints; and the HEALTH one is going to be figured out, to become an official case under the name of CORONAVIRUS CASE (code name : COVID19) which never even flirted with Netanyahu's mind, on t

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