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Embracing Solo Adventures: Shattering Taboos for Female Travelers in Sri Lanka

Embracing Solo Adventures: Shattering Taboos for Female Travelers in Sri Lanka

Veröffentlicht am 31, Okt., 2024 Aktualisiert am 31, Okt., 2024 Kultur
time 2 min
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Embracing Solo Adventures: Shattering Taboos for Female Travelers in Sri Lanka

"Miss, did you come alone? Are you not afraid to travel alone? Don't you have any friends? You must be courageous, right?" These were the questions posed by nine different individuals, each with a unique tone and expression, as I shared my plans for a solo hike just 65km from my home. In june 2024, I embarked on an impromptu journey to explore the waterfalls inside Makandawa Rainforest in Kithulgala, guided only by Google and my adventurous spirit.

The adventure began smoothly; armed with information on bus schedules, I reached my destination without a hitch. However, as I enjoyed my breakfast at Kithulagla Rest House, I couldn't shake the feeling that curious eyes were fixed upon me. The unease persisted when I took a ferry boat (paruwa) to enter the forest, with even the ferryman

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Surf Xi verif

Surf Xi vor 4 Monaten

well I guess confronting / deviating social norms is the thing you need the courage/determination for ; in your case I’m wondering what can be the influence of the age/number regarding the people’s reactions ; for instance two girls of the same age or, say one young plus one elderly women… 🤔

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