Democracy (The vindication of the Rule of Law) Is Neither Religion Nor Fundamentalism
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Democracy (The vindication of the Rule of Law) Is Neither Religion Nor Fundamentalism
For any reason, it is very strange (on another planet ? A meteor crashing our Planet ?) and irrelevant - especially in those dangerous times aftermath "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy" - that we hear about (that's The Guardian news on July 5th - see the photo) "Vatican excommunicates its former ambassador to the U. S." (!). Weird omen, bad news like that another one (source : Morning Brew, July 2sd) : "Saudi Arabia is getting its first Trump tower". Temple and Money. What a Big Entertainment. Well : what about Democracy, civil rights, human ones and Constitution to which Supreme Court does not amount? Powers separation belongs to the Book (Code) of THE RULE OF LAWS. Guess now, what ? The gamer-no shame at all & Co (even dead ones like Epstein), MR both Prosecuted and Defendant (source : CNN, "Breaking News", July 5th) barks louder : "Donald Trump's attorney have asked Judge Aileen Cannon to consider the Supreme Court's presidentia
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