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The photo (source : "Morning Brew", July 16th) of what it looks like a MESS shows however the precious stolen docs by Trump to American Sate and put as you can see at Mar-a-Lago : CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS. Likely the core of a big CASE or SCANDAL, the first case of all of the rest of TRUMP DEFENDANT TRIALS since the generic charge of "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" : trials ahead except the first one for which he was already declared guilty. During a Presidency Campaign and especially during the American One, it is not a good SIGN a candidate can show to voters. The same day the media published that photo, its frontpage was : "New number two". TRUMP aligned on BIDEN policy standard : the so-called ticket with Harris ? Moment of doubt ? Moreover, did we heard about exit (drop out) Donald Trump from race, including by GOP ? Not at all, we heard about Joe Biden one, both by Republicans and Democrats.
And FIGHT or more accurately ATTACK,
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