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Javascript and the Document Object Model (DOM)

Javascript and the Document Object Model (DOM)

Pubblicato 9 lug 2020 Aggiornato 9 lug 2020 Tecnologia
time 3 min
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lecture 228 letturas

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Javascript and the Document Object Model (DOM)

In this article I summarise basic Javascript concepts, the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Google Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) which I have been studying the last week.

Javascript and it's relationship to HTML and CSS

Javascript is the interactivity of a webpage. It is a scripting language that allows you to dynamically update content, control multimedia, animate images, etc. It allows you to do a lot on a webpage which i won’t describe in detail in this blog post as it can lead down to very deep rabbit holes!


What is Control flow?



Control flow is the order in which the computer executes statements in a script. So in the above example, the computer will check the if statement first to see if the parentheses is true, if it is then it will return the first statement, if

lecture 228 letture
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