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Donation on Panodyssey

Donation on Panodyssey

Pubblicato 29 dic 2020 Aggiornato 10 feb 2021 Tecnologia
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Donation on Panodyssey

Activate your donation program. 

As an author on Panodyssey, I can activate my donation program. To do so, you have to go on your profile. 

Click on your avatar at the top right of the site and select "Profile" in the drop-down menu. 

First, you need to have completed filling in your personal information. 


Then activate your donation program by ticking the box 

Finally, the button at the bottom of the page allows you to validate the information


Make a donation

From the author's profile

Search for the author's profile via the search bar at the top of the site

Go to the author's profile

Click on support!

From an article

Go to your favorite article and click on support. The button can be found at the top and the bottom of the article.

Making the donation

All you have to do is define the amount of support, validate, and you are done!

Cover picture credit: photo taken by Puwadon Sang-ngern obtained on Pexels

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