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Managing Resistance to Sustainability Practices

Managing Resistance to Sustainability Practices

Publicado el 2, feb, 2025 Actualizado 2, feb, 2025 Medioambiente
time 5 min
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Managing Resistance to Sustainability Practices

Strategies for Effective Team Leadership

Sustainability has been a front-burner element for companies across various fields in recent times due to the growing consciousness about the environment and the fact that most organizations are moving with their sustainability efforts to greater levels of responsibility. But as organizations look to implement sustainability initiatives, there are those on the team who may present resistance to these changes—and no one is certain exactly what that looks like. In such a situation, leaders must be on their feet to tackle such pushback with tact and the need to focus on sustainability. In this article, I explore how we might manage resistance to sustainability practice, using active listening, education, collaboration, and building a culture of sustainability within the company.

Understanding the Context of Resistance

The Nature of Resistance

Organizational change is no exception as it is a common re

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