A Revolution is on its way
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A Revolution is on its way
Give life to passions on Panodyssey!
Panodyssey is a platform like no other. Why is Panodyssey different?
Panodyssey is a French platform that was built around a philosophy. Our philosophy is nourished by the European and Mediterranean cultural diversities. The tales and stories of our civilization inspire our achievements.
In Greek mythology, Pan is a divinity of nature. He is the protective god of shepherds and flocks.
The foundational ideas of Panodyssey were born in the mountain pastures of Chablais after observing from above the noisy and pressing life of the city dwellers. The Chablais is a beautiful and authentic alpine region located between Lake Geneva and Mont-Blanc. One autumn day, we encountered a shepherd on a hike. We talked about the suffering nature and the human being who is too hurried and too tempted. Abusive notifications, advertising temptations, over-consumption. And in the end, the planet, the mountains, and mankind pay the price...
Pan is a moon that also illuminates! This shepherd satellite, or guardian satellite, captivates. Its very irregular shape is singular. Pan orbits around a ring of Saturn and was discovered in 1981. All shepherds dream of stars!
Value Creation on Panodyssey
Panodyssey is a space to create together and share your passions. At Panodyssey, creators are fascinated by what they do. It is important to grant them peace, time, and freedom to (co)create in a calm and quiet space. No advertising on Panodyssey: we do not want any and there will not be any!
But then, what is our business model?
We have developed a participative platform completely integrated into Panodyssey. The launch is foreseen for the end of December 2020.
Concretely, all creators can, in one click, open their donation program to collect donations for their creation. The collected donations are automatically deposited in the creator's electronic wallet on Panodyssey.
Donors support the creators they love to help them live from their passions and help them create new projects. Creators can launch ethical and solidarity projects on causes they care about.
For instance, an orphanage director recently called me. He will create his space on Panodyssey to publish with the children of the establishment poems, drawings, stories, creative and collaborative projects including a children's story written by and for children.
This is a new way of interacting and creating strong bonds that make sense and feeds the souls and hearts of those who give and receive.
A donor may also have the gift of writing, drawing, correcting bad spelling mistakes, or promoting a publication they love in their networks. He or she can help by offering to make his or her talent and competence available to an author. This is why Panodyssey is a real collaborative and participative platform.
Value sharing on Panodyssey
The short-circuit is at the heart of the economic model proposed by Panodyssey.
The first solution we propose is the donation: a donor supports a creator directly by making a donation to reward his creativity. The launch is planned for the end of December 2020.
Extract from Panodyssey's GTC/UGCs
Support of the Creators or Contributors: Panodyssey proposes to the Users to financially support the Creators or the Contributors by making a donation. Panodyssey provides the service of putting the User and the Creator/Contributor in contact, as well as the service of administrative and financial management of the donation.
The second solution we offer is subscription: an author can decide to reserve access to additional content to his subscribers. The author himself sets a subscription price to his Creative Room according to his project and his market. The digital subscription is the system adopted by the online press to enhance content and it works well. Paid access to additional content is a new feature, and its launch is announced for the first half of 2021.
Extract from Panodyssey's GTC/UGCs
Paid access to additional Content: the User may take out a subscription allowing him/her to access the Content, the author of which reserves access only to subscribed Users.
Thus, Panodyssey allows its Users, according to the role they choose, to (co)create, diffuse, and consult editorial contents accessible free or not, it is the creators who decide and use Panodyssey according to their needs, their objectives, and their projects.
The use of the Panodyssey platform is free for both creators and readers. Panodyssey develops tools and connects users.
Extract of the Panodyssey GTC/UGCs
Creative Room: designates the personal space that any Creator may create on the Platform to create and distribute Content for Users and solicit Contributors to participate in the development of the Content. Access to the Content distributed through a Creative Room may, at the discretion of the Creator, be reserved for Users that subscribed to this Creative Room in return for payment of the subscription fee, or be freely accessible to all Users. A Creator may have more than one Creative Room.
To earn its living, Panodyssey earns a commission on the transactions paid by the Users to the Creators in consideration of the intermediation service provided by Panodyssey.
For instance, when a user pays 100 euros to a creator he likes, the creator receives 77 euros and Panodyssey receives 16 euros. Bank transaction fees are 3 euros and the French VAT payment is 4 euros.
The interests of the parties perfectly match and we believe that this value sharing is fair and balanced. Feel free to tell us what you think by writing to info@panodyssey.com or by publishing an article on Panodyssey to share your ideas and observations with the community.
The creator receives almost 5 times more money than Panodyssey.
Transparency guaranteed!
Panodyssey ensures total transparency throughout the value chain. Our accounting books are open. All transactions are indicated and immediately credited in the designer's wallet.
Panodyssey ensures total transparency on the bank charges levied during a transaction, everything is indicated on the creator's profile. All supporting documents are provided.
Panodyssey guarantees total transparency on the amount of the taxes which we pay to the French state since our company is French and our servers are French.
Panodyssey systematically informs the creator that he has just received money by sending an email and by having an internal system of notifications. It is immediate!
Panodyssey secures online transactions to the maximum with its partners and the 3DS system to limit fraudulent uses.
The creator decides on his own to carry out the money transfer from his Panodyssey wallet to his personal bank account. It is he who decides, not Panodyssey!
The sharing of the value on Panodyssey is presented below by a sketch :
Thank you all for your attention and feel free to share your feedback, questions, and ideas!
Article Translated from https://panodyssey.com/fr/article/economie/une-revolution-est-en-marche-t99cf644j5cf