Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part II)
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Is the UBS file a geo-economical case? (Part II)
Case Study
Let’s imagine a case study proposed by “the woman who knew too much”:
« And if I, Stephanie Gibaud, had not been contacted by civil servants working for the Customs Department (Service National des Douanes Judiciaires – SNDJ) but by other agents? If the cards I had been shown had been fake “blue-white-red” cards, I would probably have collaborated with people who, in the lower floor of a department store, had asked to extract confidential information out of the bank UBS whereas I was in a weakened state. (La femme qui en savait vraiment trop, Cherche Midi, chapter 20 « Allo ! , ici la douane »)
They could have been fake agents. It would have been easy to simulate that their office was not located within the Ministry of Finances. Secret services or spy agencies know how to do: one makes someone, who is quite impressed by the state mention of “blue-white-red” card, believe that the reality is what he sees. Reality is very d
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